Winx club - Bloom's belly torture



by dogsledfee , in category: Story Board , 6 months ago

This is a story from my Devianart page. If you feel interested in this, please check out my page for the 2nd ep named: Winx club - the rescue. Thank you for your support!!

Winx club - Bloom's belly torture

Bloom: “Bloom is a slightly fair-skinned girl with waist-length red-orange hair with a single small hair strand sticking up (until Season 4) and large cyan eyes” – Winx Club wiki


Trix: a witch group includes three antagonists – Darcy, Stormy, and Icy with dark power (darkness, hypnotizing, illusions, …), lighting power (lightning, storm, …), and ice power (hail, frost, snow, …) respectively


Lord Darka: The antagonist boss, whom the Trix serves in ss1.


The following parody’s setting is in ss1…



Lord Darka punches Icy twice in her belly, thrice in Darcy’s belly, before kicking hard in Stormy’s as she approaches to block the fourth attack for Darcy.

“Useless b*tches!” – roars the boss Darka

“If you cannot bring Bloom here to me in the next 3 weeks, watch your stomach out!” – Darka finishes his sentence by squeezing the inferior witches’ poor belly by his two hands a one foot.

Then, he left the scene, leaving the three withces behind, Darcy on her knees and one arm, clutching her aching tummy; Stormy lying face-up, clutching her belly with both hands; Icy, on her knees, chest protruding, back arched, with two hands clutching her belly.

Provoked by pain and anger, Icy shouts out: “We have to bring that b*tch here at all cost, sis!”

“But how?” – Darcy asks

“Yes, she has a strong clan supporting her, we only have three people” – Stormy talks while still panting in pain.

“I don’t know, but we must do it” – Icy finishes and leaves the scene.



Staring at the stary night sky, Bloom is mulling over her days at Alfea School, weighing up the goods and bads. Bloom knows too well that most of her memory should be categorized as “goods”. Yes, she has befriended many good people, the other fairies, who support her ardently like Stella, Musa, Techna, …They are all great friends, sharing happiness and sadness with her honestly. The teachers also give her chances to show off, to display her talents.

However, there is something lacking in the whole process. Bloom still feels dissatisfied about the life here, but does not know what. After hours scanning her mind, Bloom still could not conclude what makes her so dissatisfied like this. Maybe, it’s the final goal of becoming a fairy, maybe she wants to become something different than fairy. She cannot be sure.

A battle happening in her mind, whether to leave or stay? She scrutizes each choice, weighing up the pros and cons of each. But, in the end of the day, she uses her emotion to make her choice. And Bloom decides to leave, quietly just like the way she comes to this school.



Bloom arrives home at 7p.m. And, according to Alfea’s time, it should be 11:30p.m.

Into her home, Bloom senses sth strange in the air. It’s cold and a little bit creepy. So, raising her voice, Bloom calls her parents.

However, in response to her call is silence. Fear that sth bad might have happened, she rushes into the kitchen, not knowing that Stormy is hidding behind the closed door.



As soon as Bloom opens the door, a fist, swung from her left, opposite to the door, makes its landing on her upper belly, a part near the solar plexus. The punch is so powerful that it makes Bloom double over in pain together with a gasp, her arms quickly reaching her belly to cover it. As she has not transformed yet, the magical punch seems to be more severe; it has penetrated her exposed belly (as she is wearing long jeans and a croptop – the typical outfit of Bloom in SS1) first by penetrating her soft skin, then her weak abs musle before damaging her internal organs.

As Bloom is panting and sobbing in pain, her body bent, face down facing the ground, arms embracing her belly tight, she hears the sarcastic and mallicious laugh of three witches.

“Where’s my parents?” – Bloom asks in anger

“Oh, where? Let’s see if you can find out” – Icy says before giving another sarcastic laugh at Bloom.

Provoked, Bloom transforms into the beautiful fairy. She has long, flowing red hair and wears a sparkling blue outfit. The top is sport-bra like but sleeveless, and it has the midriff-baring design. Her skirt short and flared. She also wears blue high-heeled boots and has butterfly-like wings like any other fairies.

Another sarcastic laugh, the Trix gets in the position, ready to crush Bloom’s belly beyond its limit.



Quickly, Bloom springs forward, intending to crush the nasty faces of the three witches. However, unluckily for her, as she is still in her motion, Icy quickly flies behind and grabs her by her neck. With the other free hand, Icy plays Bloom’s navel. She pokes it, presses it, churns it, producing moan sound from Bloom’s mouth.

Undeterred, Bloom bends her back, making Icy finger fall off her navel. Then, with a twisting motion, she turns back, punching Icy hard in her belly.

The punch is hard enough to make Icy gasp, some saliva shot out of her open mouth. Seeing their sister being attacked, Darcy uses dark sound wave to attack Bloom, but the latter dodges it correctly and flies out of her house. The three witches follow, determining to catch the fairy. Up in the air, lightining lightens up a part of the sky while thunder is rumbling as the witches throwing their magic.

Finally, one catches Bloom. But she blocks it in time, using a circular magical ball surrounding herself. The three witches, each throwing their own power towards Bloom, determining to break her shield. Suddenly, a hideous thought springs from Icy’s mind. She commands Darcy to open a portal connecting her hand with Bloom’s belly. Through the portal, she plays with Bloom navel.

Icy circles her index finger around Bloom’s belly as if tickling her. Then, suddenly, she pushes her finger deep inside Bloom’s navel. The thrust is strong that Blooms moans deeply, her face contorted. But, Icy seems to want more, so she moves it left and right, up and down. And as Icy dubs it, she is “cleaning the b*tchiness out of Bloom’s belly”. Icy twists and thrusts and recurs the process until Bloom rolls her eyes up, mouth open wide letting a stream of saliva to drip out from her mouth.

Cracks appear on Bloom’s shield as she cannot focus her power given the assaulted navel. However, trying to set pain aside, Bloom concentrates her force, trying to reinforce the shield, preparing to escape.

But before she can do anything, Icy ventures a powerful sucker punch right at the center of Bloom’s weak belly. Her organs slosh around as they collide with each other and with Icy’s ruthless fist which is now taking up the majority of space inside Bloom’s belly, pushing the belly deep inside, hence deforming its flatness.

The punch seems to work wonder, for Icy only, because it causes convulsion in Bloom’s belly; this soft inner shaking motion seems to squeeze every ounce of dinner out of Bloom bowels, mixing them with gastric juice, and forcing the mixture out of her mouth.

The smelly mixture smears Bloom’s outfit and even Icy’s fist, making her to pull back her hand quickly in disgust.

“What a nasty b*tch” – Icy roars in anger

“Well, well, what is for dinner, Icy?” – Darcy laughs out both at the amazing scene and at her sis who accidentally gets Bloom’s vomit on her fist. Stormy also joins in with a loud laugh.

Of course, this irritates Icy so much. “Let’s finish this stinky” – Icy says. Creating a huge ice hammer, Icy directs it towards Bloom, aiming for her mid-belly.




The shield shatters, and the hammer slams hard into Bloom’s poor exposed belly, making a loud “Thud” noise. The impact is so hard that it thrusts Bloom away for meters before pinning dead on her on the nearby hump. Before Bloom could regain her composure from the impact, a pointy heel penetrates her navel. Since the heel is blunt enough it does not injure her skin. However, the force concentrated into the heel is great so it generates a sharp pain right at Bloom’s navel before the pain can balance out in the entire belly. The pain is significant.

Indeed, it is so tremendous and beyond Bloom’s limit. As the thrust is both surprising and powerdul, Bloom spews out a large amount of saliva, enough to make a puddle. Then the saliva falls back on Bloom’s face which is now becoming lifeless.

Then, to end the game, Icy, who is stomping on Bloom’s belly now, nudges her belly by locking her heel in Bloom’s belly so that Bloom will lie on her side. As soon as Bloom is on her side, Darcy and Stormy, with smirk on their face, kick Bloom’s belly ruthlessly. Just one kick from each witch, but they aim for the mid and the solar plexus respectively. The kicks drive the rest of dinner and gastric juice out of Bloom.

Now Bloom officially passes out, and she is in the most desperate way ever.



Bloom finally comes round.

She is restrained by a big ice block with arms and legs extended while her upper body, from her lower belly till her head, is free. Trying to fight the restrain, Bloom contorts her face in discomfort.

As she is wrestling in vain with the ice block, Trix appears again.

“Well, well, look who’s tryna escape!” – Icy says.

Approaching the poor girl, Icy touches Bloom’s belly, caressing it in the process.

“Leave me alone!” – Bloom crys out desperately

“You smell like a real skunk, Bloom” – Icy smirks

“But I think I love it, this smell, … aww, it’s so” – before finishing her sentence, Icy plunges her nose into Bloom’s navel. It’s so cold, like real ice, sending chill from Bloom’s bellybutton through all her organs. The poor girl wails and begs for a stop. But Icy seems not want to yield; she continues her torture.

Finally, Bloom resistance weakens. Bloom pants, her belly heaving as she is totally exhausted and crushed. Her belly is bruised and purple with a clear circular mark made by Icy’s ice hammer, a smaller but more purple area created by Icy’s heel, and also two bruised line made by Darcy and Stormy’s foot. To sum, Bloom now is so so desperate.

“This does not serve us right, Icy. You should let us have fun as well, don’t be so selfish” – Darcy raise her voice.

“Ok, oK, it’s your turn now” – replies Icy.

“Awesome, let me first” – Stormy cuts in.

Getting a spark of electricity on her thumb, Stormy slams it deep into Bloom’s navel. This seems to brings Bloom back on the ground.

“AHHHH, please stop, not my … stumik…”

“AHHH … please not …. AHHH …. my bel … AHHH”

The electricity spread all over Bloom’s belly, outside in. First it numbs her muscle so that she cannot embrace her core. Then, it shocks and numbs her internal organs. It is as if Bloom’s organs are squirming under the elec shock. It is a kind of extreme exp for Bloom. Then after 10min, Bloom’s belly now goes numb completely and pain is the only thing she can feel. She cannot move, cannot twsit or turn her belly to alleviate the force.

“Now my turn Stormy” – Darcy comes to the scene. She uses her power to cause a shockwave, targetting Bloom’s bowels. She shakes it up down left right. The impact between the organs seems to be overwhelming for Bloom that she constantly retches at each “slosh” of her organ. The “shaking” and “sloshing” lasts 12 minutes, turning the retch into real vomit. But as Bloom’s inside is cleaned from the last battle, she can only puke her saliva out, stream after stream. Darcy also hypnotizes Bloom, making her think that her stomachache is more painful than it really is. The intensity now is so so extreme that if Bloom is not in her transformation form, she would die from the pain.

“Oke, that’s enough girls” – Icy interrupts.

“Oh come on, sis” – the two other Trix say

“We need to get her back or Darka will punch our bellies, don’t you remember how painful it is?” – Icy replies

She then touches Bloom’s belly again. This time, she uses a magic that freezes Bloom’s internal organs completely. The freezing intensifies the pain so much that Bloom squirms, twisting left and right. Bloom now can only sobs and moans slightly as her energy is being exhausted by Icy’s magic.

“What a naughty girl” – Icy says. She savagely punches three more times on Bloom’s writhing belly

“Stay still, little girl” – Five more punches on Bloom’s belly and the belly stops moving. Bloom is completely crushed, her belly bruised and frozen.

“Let’s go home” – Icy commands


However, at that moment, a portal appears, Stella – a beautiful blonde with green, halter-style crop top, tied in the center, exposing her midriff and a short, orange – comes. She is here to find and take Bloom back. Facing Trix, she angrily says: “you jerrk! What you done to … Huhh”

Not letting her finish the sentence, Stormy quickly punches her. She is fast as lighting that Stella cannot react promptly, or more precisely, Stella has no time to do anything. She stands there in the exact place and the exact posture of body as when she comes, standing straight, back arched slightly making her belly to protrude forward a little but still flat. However, now on that flat belly is Stormy’ fist. It stays silent but deep and firm. Stella’s face is hard to describe as it’s a mixture of surprise, fear, and pain, maybe anger also. Her mouth starts drooling the moment her eyes roll back. Then, Stella collapses on the ground, passing out.

“Should we bring her too? Her belly so great” – asks Stormy.

“No, go quickly before the other fairies come, you are so greedy Stormy” – Icy says firmly.

Stormy, despite feeling regreted not taking this girl with them, has to follow her sisters into the dark portal together with Bloom. They need to bring Bloom to Darka before he’s angry again.

“What will Darka do to Bloom?” – Stormy asks herself....

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